Switch It & Pitch It

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Switch It & Pitch It (also known as Switch It or Pitch It [citation needed]) was created by Scott and was first played in episode 3 (Jack Bauer He 24 Big Hit).


The person to your right will name a television show. Then you have to say the opposite (every word is the opposite) title.

If you are given the title "Home Improvement", you have to say "Workplace Destruction". Then you have to pitch that show to the other two including the characters, setting, what happens every week. The other two then have to decide whether to buy it.

(I think they later added that you have to come up with a theme song, so this description might need to be expanded)

Switch It & Pitch It episodes
Ep number Ep title
174 Rumpleforeskin
80 Ryan O'Needle
63 Chocolate Taste Cheap
39 The Threedom Challenge
18 What are You, a 3 Amigo?!
3 Jack Bauer He 24 Big Hit